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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 02/03/2014
Chichester Road Advisory Committee (RAC)
Public Hearing Minutes
February 3, 2014

Present: Terry McCormack (Chairman), Doug Hall, Tom Jameson, Richard Millette, Dave Dobson, Allen Mayville, Philip Hitchcock, Jim Plunkett (Road Agent)

Absent: Stan Brehm, John Amsden, Jeff Jordan (Ex-Officio)

Public Attendance: Ann Davis

Meeting called to order at 6:30 P.M.
Jim Plunkett informed committee on the submission of his application for the Hilliard Road Culvert to the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). Homeland Security and Emergency Management responded, informing that the application had been forwarded to FEMA Region I for additional review under DR-4095, Hurricane Sandy. The review may take six to eight months and that no HMGP project should be begun until FEMA has completed its review and he has received written confirmation of FEMA’s approval and funds would not be forwarded prior to completion of the project.

If approved, the 75 percent FEMA cost share is expected to be $135,000.00 for which the Highway Dept. /Town would be responsible for $45,000.00 in matching funds or in-kind services, which would need to be thoroughly documented.

Jim also received a traffic count request form from Central Regional Planning Commission to be returned by March 28, 2014. Listed on page 15 in Draft of January 14, 2014 for Public Hearing are 5 priority locations and 5 secondary locations. Canterbury Road @

Main St. figures as well as Hutchison Rd and Main St. (east of Canterbury) may need an update.

Tom will put a plan together to present for the Town Meeting making it visual with a map.

Doug recommends an article go into the Suncook Times 2 weeks prior to town meeting with a summary of what was taken out of the budget and what is needed. Terry will draft the article sending it to committee members to edit and forward it to Philip for posting on town website.

Doug Hall made a MOTION that RAC issue the final report, make no changes to the Draft and issue the draft report as the Final

Report with the correction of Allen Mayville’s name. Motion seconded by Terry McCormack. MOTION carried unanimously.

The Committee is in agreement with 2014 RAC Report.

Terry asked for public comment; Ann Davis stated her disappointment at the suggested reduced amount for road reconstruction as she understood it was voted by the residents to finance the 20-year Plan.

It was agreed that the tentative meeting date set for February 10, 2014 was not needed and our next meeting date would be March 10, 2014 at 6:30 P.M. @ the Highway Department office.

Doug made a MOTION to adjourn; Richard seconded the MOTION, all were in favor.

Meeting adjourned 7:28 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by,

Philip Hitchcock

Approved March 10, 2014

Terry McCormack, Chairman